Tuesday, February 23, 2010

The show must go on: Campus Couture 2010

Campus Couture coordinators are calling for model auditions for participating in the 22nd annual student fashion show put on by design and merchandising students despite school setbacks in the last year.

With budget cuts, swine flu, and massive flooding, a person would think that the highly-acclaimed event would be effected by the major drawbacks, but no. In a press release, it was announced, that "the Fashion Design and Merchandising Department will continue its annual tradition of hosting the campus’ largest event."

The event, which will feature more than 200 designs by the students, is the focal point of the fashion department with affair arrangements beginning up to a year in advance and fundraising efforts up to $30,000 in order to produce the show.

This year, changes have been made to broaden the fashion show to the edges of the art horizon, so to say. Such changes according to everythinglongbeach.com include making the show this year "a campus-wide effort, featuring contributions from film, photography and art students."
Rachele Friedland, a photography student at CSULB, says, "it feels great to be contributing to this well-planned and diverse event and to show off my skills to potential employers."

Another change different from past years events, is the addition of featuring each senior participant's work as a collection instead of just one garments.
This show that boasts, "a crowd of over 1,000 people," says CSULBCampusCouture.com, will attract fashion and journalist professionals and provide internship and job possiblities for event participants.

The video link below is an excerpt from the last year's fashion show.Video Courtesy of Youtube.com.

The model auditions are taking place March 1, 2010 and and April 6, 2010 from 4-7 p.m. in the USU, in order to prepare for the event which will be hosted May 14, 2010 in the Carpenter Performing Arts Center.

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